What To Do: Holiday events at area zoos, amusement parks and on the rails

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  LumiNature A great way for kids – kids of all ages — to enjoy the holiday season is by visiting the Christmas events at the area’s zoos, amusement parks and tourist railroads. Now through January 4, the Philadelphia Zoo (3400 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, www.philadelphiazoo.org) will host LumiNature, a gigantic holiday season...

What To Do: Trolls at the Philadelphia Zoo

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Trolls at the Philadelphia Zoo The Philadelphia Zoo has been a habitat for an amazing array of animals ever since its opening day in July 1874. Now, for the next two-and-one-half months, the Zoo will be home to a sextet of Trolls. Now through April 15, the Philadelphia Zoo (3400 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia) is hosting the East Coast debut of...

What To Do: Stormy weather, but lots of inside events this weekend

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times FamilyFest There are many special events this weekend. Some are outdoor only events, some are indoor only events and some are a mixture of the two. With rain in the forecast for every day this weekend, it is imperative to check the weather news (and maybe stick your head outdoors) prior to heading to many of the outdoor events (even though some will...

What To Do: With warmer weather, time to get outdoors

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Paoli Battlefield Park It seems as if warm spring weather has finally arrived. That means it’s a great time to visit attractions such as horticultural sites, zoos and historic sites – and a great time to do some walking. A special “Paoli Battlefield Walking Tour” (pbpfinc.org) will be held on April 10 and repeated on May 8. Participants are...

What To Do: Spring brings many holidays and celebrations

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  Linvilla Orchards There is a quartet of religious holidays that occur close to each other every spring – Holi for Hindus, Passover for Jews, Easter for Christians and Ramadan for Muslims. This year, Holi began on March 28 and ended on March 29. Holi marks the advent of spring and is widely celebrated throughout Hindu-majority India. The festival...

What To Do: Looking for a safe family outing? Head to the zoo

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times The Philadelphia Zoo Recently, there has been a relaxing of the area’s state governments’ “stay at home” and “no social gatherings” restrictions which had been imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Attractions such as tourist sites, amusement parks, zoos, gardens and arboretums, state and national parks and family fun centers are...

What To Do: Thanksgiving? Pshaw. Bring on the Christmas events!

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Longwood Gardens It’s countdown time for Thanksgiving 2019 and the number of days left is in single digits. And we all know that Thanksgiving is the traditional “unofficial” start of the Christmas holiday season – even though the season commercially “started” when Christmas items were being stocked on stores’ shelves on Labor Day...

What To Do: Turks Head Music fest

Kimberton Fair starts Monday; Lancaster Jazz fest gets swinging By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Phyllis Chapel is among the many artists performing at the annual Turks head Festival in West Chester. The Turk’s Head Music Festival in West Chester (Everhart Park, Bradford Avenue and Everhart Street, West Chester, 610-436-9010, http://www.turksheadfestival.com) just keeps motoring on year-after-year...

What To Do: Longwood’s Summer Soiree, Turks Head and more

In the heat of the summer, events for almost every taste dot the calendar By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times The Unruhlies headline tonight at Winterthur’s Music Along the Bank” event tonight — a perfect chance for local live music under the stars. People in this area are fortunate to have two historical garden attractions in this area that are guaranteed to delight — Longwood...