Why I’m NOT running…

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times So, that went well. After more than three months of mounting a campaign for a county wide office, I pulled the ripcord Saturday and said, “enough.” It became clear that I am not cut out for politics, circa 2019. With the infighting, the false narratives and yes, concerns about corrupt conduct, I knew it was going to be bad, but like Maroon5’s Super Bowl halftime...

Op/Ed: Why I’m running

Mike McGann By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times People run for office for a lot of reasons: ambition, fame, passion, lust for power and yes, a desire to do good works. Put me in the final category. As someone who has been around elected officials for much of my adult life — either as a media member or someone actively involved in politics — I’ve seen those reasons really drive both how that...

Feeling a bit bluer than usual after Election Day

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times So, what to take away from Tuesday’s election results? While the county’s Congressional races and even State Representative races weren’t a surprise (regular readers will note I felt pretty strongly that Democrats could win all but three state house districts unless the national wave was immense, which it was not, and they did), you have to think that the...

OpEd: In 2018, Republicans are fighting for the future

By Val DiGiorgio, Chairman, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Val DiGiorgio A lot has changed in our national political landscape—some for the good, some for the bad—but for the first time in over a decade (thanks in large part to Republican achievement) a record-low number of people are concerned about the economy.  Republican-led tax cuts and deregulation have created an economic boom in...

It’s not even Labor Day and the voters are exhausted

I’m so tired, I haven’t slept a wink I’m so tired, my mind is on the blink I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink — “I’m So Tired” The Beatles. By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In a week where the headlines came fast and furious, which few enjoyed unless they were playing Criminal Republican Bingo, it seems like the voting public is dividing into three groups:...

The Stupid Kabuki of the statewide political races

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times My daughter is an aspiring musician/singer and as such, she often considers possible future band names — it’s a bit of a running joke between us these days. Which is, of course, why I nominate Stupid Kabuki as both a possible addition to her list and a perfect description of Pennsylvania’s two statewide races this fall. To be clear, Republican Scott Wagner...

Осенью этого года у местных республиканцев может быть только российская проблема

Translation: This fall, local Republicans may have a Russian problem By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times So, comrades, how was your week? If you happen to be a Republican, and hold public office locally, the guess here is: not too great. Between the missteps, lies, new infidelity claims (and tapes, lordy) and policy decisions of El Presidente For Life Donald J. Trump (seems about right for a would-be...

Ready for a new round of ‘hire a judge?’

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times Every U.S. Supreme Court session offers fresh evidence of confirmation bias, the human tendency to process information in a way that conforms to our prior beliefs. The Justices know why they are there: it’s not for their great legal minds, but because their legal backgrounds served as cover for getting them confirmed by the Senate. Upton Sinclair said:...

Beyond ‘Trump, bad’

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times The June 16 editorial “For GOP candidates the question is: To Trump or not to Trump?” http://chescotimes.com/?p=25893/ makes a lot of good points about this year’s enthusiasm gap between the two major parties (see also the recent Pew poll http://www.people- press.org/2018/06/20/voters-more-focused-on-control-of-congress-and-the-president-than-in-past-midterms/)...

Will 2018 be the year of woman in Chester County politics?

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times In the Chester County Democratic primary election, the winners for U.S. Senator and Governor were (unopposed) men, but women for US House PA-06 (also unopposed) and Lt. Governor (Kathi Cozzone carried Chesco but not PA), so that’s half men and half women Dem winners in Chesco. For PA Senate and House, 3 men and 8 women won Democratic races in districts...