Cavities can be contagious

Bacteria related to tooth decay can be shared with loved ones By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD, FAGD, Columnist, The Times I hear it every day, “my mom had bad teeth, I guess I got this from her.” Perhaps that is true, but not in the way we may think.  Researchers have found that dental disease causing bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another. In the case of cavities, the bacteria...

Dental sealants – a simple way to prevent decay

A little prevention can go a long way and save money By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD, FAGD, Columnist, The Times Dentistry today is full of ways to help children grow up without the dozens of cavities that so many of their parents had.  One of the ways we work to prevent decay is by using pit and fissure sealants on the grooves of the back teeth.   Over 40 years ago my parents enrolled me in a...

Sports drinks hide an acidic secret

Gatorade could be causing tooth damage By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, There has been a lot of research lately into the effects of sports drinks on our teeth. A recent study by the Academy of General Dentistry reported that tooth damage caused by sports drinks is 3-11 times greater than that caused by a carbonated (non-diet) cola beverage.   As I was reading this...