Online daters are wealthier and better educated

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Yes, I love research, data, and statistical analysis that prove my own theories. In fact, I’m quite arrogant at times when I’m convinced I’m right about something – especially when it comes to dating. As you all have read in my columns, I keep asserting the fact that there are many erudite men and women to be found on these online dating sites. Well,...

How many lipsticks is too many?

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times For those of you not addicted to social media platforms, you may not know that there is a complete calendar of Hashtag Holidays. Occasionally, it promotes a specific cause or event but more often it’s just creative way to highlight something fun. For example, yesterday was #NationalLipstickDay. And, I for one, am I big fan of lipstick.

On Your Table: Easy light summer dinners

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Couscous is so easy to make and all kinds of vegetables can be included or even store-bought meats It’s been so hot lately that I can’t think about cooking. Who wants to get involved with hot or baked dishes at such a time. Now’s the time for light and healthier dishes. And did I mention fast to prepare? These comprise all the right ingredients...

A sale at Nordstrom

A Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times First of all, let me start off by saying that one of my biggest pet peeves has to be when I hear people put an “S” on the end of Nordstrom. “Did ya buy that at Nordstroms?” NO! Nordstrom. No “S.”. Thanks. Sorry for the rant. But, it’s just one of those things for me. Like nails on a chalkboard. Now that I got that off of my chest, let’s...

A change will do you good

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times When was the last time you changed your look? I’m not talking about experimenting with a different color lipstick…I mean, REALLY switched things up. I bet the majority of you are scratching your head. A long time, huh? About 10 years ago, it was forced upon me. I went to a new salon for a trim on my shoulder length hair and emerged an hour later...

Men are also being scammed through online dating sites

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times What are online dating scammers and why is it such a serious threat to people who are truly searching for love? “Scammers” work alone or part of an overseas mob network to use love to strip you of your assets by gaining your trust and asking for money or getting enough information from you to pry open your bank account. The financial numbers are staggering. The...

A vacation-oriented Super-Six for July

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Happy JULY everyone! The summer is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier. Sunshine is good for the soul and I am relishing every opportunity to sit by the ocean and soak it all in. Therefore, my selections for this month’s Super Six have a definite vacation vibe to them. Here we go…

Sports dental safety: it’s always an option

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times While summer has just begun it’s time to think about mouth guards for dental safety. Athletic mouth guards are not just for football and hockey. Many sports such as gymnastics, skating, martial arts, basketball just to name a few can put a smile in harm’s way. Mouth protectors can cushion a blow and help protect the teeth as well as...

On Your Table: Corn pudding for Summer gatherings

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times With July 4th coming up and all kinds of neighborhood gatherings associated with that, I have a suggestion. Whenever I go to one of our neighborhood summer gatherings, I make sure to bring my Indian corn pudding casserole. I always leave with an empty dish. You will too. It’s a crowd pleaser and in fact an easy to make dish that can be baked...

Dirty hair, don’t care

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Looooove that summer is finally here! Hate, hate, hate what this season does to my mane. Are you a Friends fan? Remember the episode where Monica is in Barbados and her hair gets larger with each passing minute? That’s me. Click on the link to watch (and to feel my pain): Styling my tresses in high heat and humidity takes super...