Super Six: A new year of cool items

From new looks to new tastes, a bit of something for everyone By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Normally, I reveal my Super Six on the first Sunday of the month…but, I had to discuss New Year’s resolutions, so, here it is…a week late, but never a dollar short:

Relationship New Year’s resolutions

New year, get off on a better foot with friends, family and lovers By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Happy New Year! We’ve all been listening to our friends and family members boast about their New Year resolutions: getting to the gym three times a week, losing 10 pounds, or budgeting better this year. But what about New Year’s resolutions for your relationships? If holiday movies have...

For New Year’s, reflect on the past and look forward

Resolutions should be small and attainable By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I love the start of the new year for the opportunity to reflect on the past and the chance to enhance the future with positive, behavioral changes. However, in order to be successful, I believe it is important to keep resolutions small and attainable. Life is hard enough without feeling like a failure because...

Countdown to Christmas: what’s on your list?

How things will play out at my home the next few days By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Christmas Eve is four days away! Are you ready? I know,neither am I. (And for all of you who answered in the affirmative, well….aren’t you a candidate for Santa’s team. Bah humbug.) Therefore, in order to quell the rising panic within me, I have devised a handy­dandy checklist of things to accomplish...

A Top Ten list for holiday dental health

The holidays can be tough on your teeth, a few tips to keep on smiling By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times First, let me apologize for the long gap between my columns. Family always comes first and sitting down to write just wasn’t on the to-do list in November. The holiday season is all about family and friends. Get-togethers, whether formal or spontaneous, almost always...

What kind of tree are you?

What your Christmas tree says about you By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times If your choice of fashion reveals to the world a bit about who you are…can the same be said for the type of Christmas tree you display at the holidays? Think about it. Do you prefer real or artificial? Colored lights or white lights? Tinsel or popcorn? Star or angel? I might be onto something here. If I didn’t...

All About Connecting: Five rules for online dating

Be realistic, have a plan and know who you are and what you want By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Ladies, it’s that time of year again. It’s the season of cocktail parties, mistletoe, and Victoria Secret underwear hot enough to warm up anyone, even on the coldest of nights. It’s also that time of year when after a few drinks, friends and strangers begin begging me to divulge my best-kept...

On Your Table: Holiday food traditions

From cookies to meals, what we cook at the holidays helps define the time of year By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Recently, friends came to my house to share holiday treats and stories of their family food traditions.  Their recipes hold long-treasured memories kept alive by us for the next generation. While we come from different places — Hungary, Italy, the Ukraine,...

Thinning the fashion herd

Time to move on from fashion items that just collect dust By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I have a confession to make. Right now, my closet is full of clothes, my shoe rack is overflowing, and my jewelry box is piled high with accessories…but, I wear the same key pieces over and over again. It begs the question “why keep what I’m not wearing?” And, while it is a really good...

Attacks on Paris hit home

A time for vigilance — and thanks for all that we have By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Two years ago, my husband and I were in Paris celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. It was a dream of mine to see the Eiffel Tower and stroll along the Champs Elysee. The city was so beautiful and, contrary to the rumors suggesting otherwise, the French people were very friendly. We marveled...