How fashion can shape your home decor

Your home can — and should — reflect your sense of style By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times that you dress yourself. In fact, a soon to be released documentary entitled “Interior Motives” focuses on exactly this concept. Click here for the trailer: Looks interesting, right? Can’t wait to check it out. In the meantime, we are in the process of converting...

Using the Triad of Change for a better life

Know what you want, and make a plan to get there By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times The Triad of Change is a tool that helps to create a recipe for success in life.  Even (especially) during times of challenge, the relationships between Perception (what you focus on), Structure (how you organize your life), Behavior (what you actually do), and Energy (fuel) have the power to helps us thrive. January...

New Year’s Resolution: Lighten up!

After (over)indulging for the holidays, now is a good time to go with lighter foods By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Bok Choy soup – Kick off the new year with lightened up dishes like Chinese style bok choy chicken soup. Photo courtesy of Marlene Baird. If you’re anything like me and have been indulging yourself with rich food while ignoring exercise during the holidays,...

Don’t be afraid to go farther afield for wine values

Emerging regions offer value, new tastes to broaden your horizons By Brian Gurnham, Columnist, The Times Sweating away at the local YMCA, and trying not to be annoyed by the massive influx of post New Year’s exercise wanabees, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to the wine industry if people put as much emphasis on trying a new or different wine in the new year as they do on getting...

The lesson of taking tough, but good advice

Be thankful for someone who tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I have had long hair for a long time. So, when Sienna Miller cut hers into this adorable MUST HAVE style of 2015, I became obsessed with the idea of “the chop.” *author side note: when I fixate on something like this, it is not good for anyone around me. I will...

Tips for keeping your lips happy and healthy

Winter is when lips become chapped; a few ways to keep them happy and smiling By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Yes, your lips do matter and in the bitter cold of January appropriate lip care is always a concern.   In dentistry we sometimes say that the lips are just the picture frame around a beautiful smile.  Our lips are really so much more. Without healthy lips we would...

Super Six: Baby, it’s cold outside

Six products to help you stay warm and comfy By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Happy New Year! With the chaos of the holidays behind us, it’s time to focus on how miserable the weather will be. Kidding! (not really) I hate being cold. I am 100% a summer girl. I spend from the beginning of December to approximately mid April complaining that my hands and toes feel like icicles. Therefore,...

Do we need a better way to celebrate Christmas?

Between the stress and the cost, are we doing something wrong? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Last week, I wrote about my angst over Christmas shopping. I stress every year. What size? What color? Will they like it? Will they use it? By the 25th I am a frazzled mess. The funny thing is, my children are always appreciative of any gift they receive. But, I do spend a good amount of...

Do you have ‘present paralysis?’

Trying to find the perfect gift is enough to make some of us lose our grip By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times As much as I love to shop, I find purchasing gifts at Christmastime absolutely exhausting. I have a tendency to overthink things and this leads to “present paralysis.” I am the girl walking around the store with a cart filled to the brim on lap one and then, as I make my way...

On Your Table: Holiday food memories

Sweet treats often bond the generations, families at the holidays By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times While you might see just a plate of cookies, some might see a reminder of holidays past, times with loved ones no longer here. A few days before Christmas, friends come to my house to share holiday treats and stories of their family food traditions.  Their recipes hold long-treasured...