Tips to avoid ticks, mosquitos, summer woes

County Health Department urges residents to take safety precautions The Chester County Health Department recommends create a woodchip or mulch barrier between wooded areas and yards to reduce the risk of ticks. With summer in full swing, the Chester County Health Department wants to remind residents to take precautions inside and outside the home to avoid injuries and insect-borne diseases. West...

Knowing when to save — and when not to

Are knock-offs a great deal, or a great deal of trouble? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times When it comes to fashion, knowing when to splurge versus when to save can be tricky. For me, I can always justify spending on handbags, shoes and watches. These items are in constant use, so, the quality is important. Also, I believe that if you pair expensive, classic accessories with a fiscally...

Planning is important before starting a business

A little work beforehand can save headaches down the road By Bronwyn Martin, Columnist, The Times If you’re thinking about starting a small business, it’s important to look carefully before you leap. Owning a small business can be very rewarding, but it can also require a lot of time, energy and funds long-term. Taking the right steps upfront can help you increase your chance of success and...

Time for the Summer Bucket List

Now that Summer is here, time to share my plans By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Ah, summer. Warm days, sultry nights, the beach, fun, friends and, of course, a list of to-do items:

Taking a swing at golf fashion?

There’s no excuse for some of these looks on the links By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I figured no better time than Father’s Day (and the last day of the US Open) to give a quick review on the Do’s and Don’ts of golf fashion. I have included the picture collage as a reference. Let’s take it step by step, shall we?

Dentistry gives back, helps the needy

Mission of Mercy helps nearly 2,000 to have a better smile By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Dentists on a mission. Th first weekend of the month was a busy weekend for dentists in Pennsylvania. On Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1, a special event occurred in Philadelphia.  A dental Mission of Mercy. This event, dubbed MOM-n-PA (mission of mercy in PA) took place at the...

‘Fat Talk’ probably helps no one

A bit of perspective might be useful when looking at body image By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times After a killer class at Kennett Cross Fit, my girlfriends and I hobbled over to the Produce Place for a smoothie and a chat. Inevitably, talk turned to body image and our own self-perceptions (as distorted as they may be). I was telling them about an article that I read in the New York Times...

New month, new Super Six list!

Summer fun items top the June ‘must-have’ list By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Time for the June edition of the Sunday Super Six! Yippeeee! (And, let’s give me big props for remembering this time!) I am so ready for summer. The gorgeous sunny weather, going to the pool and the beach, NO fighting with the kids about homework or screaming over waking up in the mornings! Aaaaaaaaaah!...

Sometimes, the world really is flat

Why I like flat shoes and thoughts on bloggers, the Internet and…BBQ? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I had a really exciting opportunity this week! I was featured on a blog called La Petite Pear! Check it out here. Sam does a fun article each Wednesday called “Fashionistas In Flats” where a different woman is photographed in her favorite flat shoe. I had to describe why I...

Consider your options for socially responsible investing

Your investment plans can reflect your personal values By Bronwyn Martin, Columnist, The Times As the global climate change discussions heat up in Washington, many investors are paying attention to the impact of their investments on the environment and the well being of people around the world. As this trend has increased, so has the demand for investment choices that demonstrate not only financial...