Another New Year, another new list

Resolutions are made to be broken, right? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, It’s that time of year again. Resolutions, rebirth and renewal… blah, blah, blah. In all seriousness, January 1st is a date that I look forward to.  I don’t know if I’ve ever shed light on this particular aspect of my neurotic personality, but, I welcome the 1st of EACH month as a new opportunity...

A few of my favorite Christmas things

The things that make this holiday special to Kelly By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, We all know the tune (sing it with me!) “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things…”

With every Christmas card I blight…

Once a nice gesture, cards are becoming a production number By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Christmas cards. In the past few years they have gone from a nice gesture to a pressure cooker for the world’s greatest Glamour shot…have you noticed? Gone are the days when you could run to Hallmark and find a box with a snowman on the front.  Now, you look like a slacker if you don’t...

Dear Santa: what not to bring…please?

A must-not-have list for the fashion conscious By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Dear Santa, I have been a (relatively) good girl this year. For example: 1. I try not to scream at my children (in public) 2. I always put my shopping cart back in the little holding area after grocery shopping (even in the rain) 3. I never let people see me rolling my eyes when they act like morons. I...

Cranberries, dessert & other holiday traditions

It’s not always what you eat, but how you eat it By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, What we eat over the holidays matters.  As the holidays are coming up fast I thought I would share some news on nutrition and dental health. Pass the Cranberries. A number of studies have been done recently on the health benefits of cranberries. Women have known for decades that...

Walking in heels and other wisdom

A few easy steps, if you will, to looking and feeling better in high heels By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 40th birthday party of a very lovely friend. Prior to going to a fantastic dinner, we sat and had cocktails in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Who knew there would be such fabulous people watching at the Ritz?!? One...

Holiday decorations can be revealing

Those lights and displays may indicate something about your fashion sense By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, In typical “Kelly style”, I feel the need to follow up last week’s heartfelt article with something sarcastic today. Thanksgiving is usually the time for people to decorate their homes for the Christmas season. (Although, not if you are a member of my family…I prolong...

Ways to show your thanks

A new family tradition: random acts of kindness By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. I love its coziness and the fact that it centers around time with family (and lots of good food) without the pressure of giving the perfect gift. I know that this is a fashion article and I love to tease about what attire I believe is suitable for stuffing...

Tooth whitening might not be a black and white choice

Everyone wants whiter, brighter teeth, but not all solutions are created equally By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, There has been a lot of hype and controversy about dental whitening recently. Tooth whitening (bleaching) is one of the most frequently asked about dental procedures in most dental offices. We all want whiter teeth and an awesome smile.  I never once in...

Don’t be a turkey for the holidays

One must dress — and dress one’s family — for the right holiday mood By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, If you affirm something out loud to the universe, does it happen? Because, as seen in my previous article, I am already BFF’s with Kelly Ripa. Check that one off the list. My second fashion fantasy? Befriending Tory Burch.  And, hey, she is a Main Line girl originally….so,...