Kennett Township politics: not up for debate

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Kennett Township’s Board of Supervisors Chairman Allan Falcoff declined the offer to publicly debate his chief political rival, Scudder Stevens

By P.J. D’Annunzio, Staff Writer,

KENNETT — Board of Supervisors chair Allan Falcoff’s rejection to a debate offer proposed by Democratic contender Scudder Stevens served to add fuel to the fire in an already tense political rivalry in the township.

Stevens and Falcoff are vying for Township Supervisor in Novembers election.


“We contacted The League of Women Voters to host a debate,” Stevens said, “They in turn contacted Falcoff and he turned down the offer…we find it very unfortunate that the incumbent does not want to take part in the debate of the important issues to the community that the Stevens Campaign is eager to address.”

The League of Women Voters (LWV) describes itself as “a nonpartisan political organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy…the League is a grassroots organization, working at the national, state and local levels.”

According to Stevens, the logic behind choosing The League was based upon its track record of being a fair and balanced third party with no distinct political leanings or favoritism toward any particular candidate. The debate would have been hosted by the Chester County Chapter of the LWV inWest Chester.

This rejection could prove to be an ill-fated decision for Falcoff, as Stevens continues to intensify his broadsides against the township’s current administration. The Stevens campaign has stated:

“They [Kennett Township BOS] have no legal opinions regarding the Open Space $2 million real estate tax that was shifted over to the general fund instead of discontinued. The Township has no documents as to the creation of the many Township bank accounts, who can sign, and for what purpose they were created. The Township refused to produce a copy of the QuickBooks transactions so residents can not see how our taxes are spent. They have no documents supporting the healthcare payments that were wrongfully paid to the Supervisors…what are they hiding?”

Stevens reiterated his disappointment at Falcoff’s rejection to the debate challenge stating “It’s a shame that he doesn’t care or respect the residents of this community enough to publicly discuss the issues that matter most to us all.”

But Falcoff was not without rebuttal.

“There’s nothing to debate,” he said, “I’m running on my record. I’m running on six years of achievement. People have seen me, and what they’ve seen is what they’ve gotten.”

More on the contention between the two candidates will be made available as the situation and respective campaigns progress.

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  1. Truthsayer says:

    The Scudder Stevens campaign is based almost entirely on misrepresentations, ommisions of fact and distortions of the truth. For example, he states on his web site and in other literature that the township has failed to committ and spend money on open space and he can’t figure out how the money was spent. This is despite an open records request that has given him access to thousands of pages of documents. Yet he fails to even mention that his property DIRECTLY BORDERS 2 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH WORTH OF TAXPAYER FUNDED OPEN SPACE!!!!

  2. Chester County Republican says:

    If you want to see Allan’s resume and accomplishments, check his website:

  3. The Turk says:

    Wow…I LOVE this Falcoff guy! Finally, a pol with the guts to tell voters: “I’m smarter than all of you, you don’t need to ask me any questions.”

    None of this namby-pamby, left-wing will of the people stuff.

    That’s leadership. I wish I had this guy in my township.

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