Moore introduces final map of trails and sidewalks in township
By John Gondol, Correspondent, The Times

Kennett Township Manager Lisa Moore reviews a new map of the township’s trails and sidewalks during last week’s Board of Supervisors meeting.
KENNETT — The board approves an amendment allowing the development of apartment facilities on top of land zoned specifically for businesses, Wednesday night.
Attorney John Jaros representing developer StanAb LP proposed a text amendment altering the township’s zoning ordinance regarding the Business Park District allowing the future plans for a residential apartment complex to continue on track in the development process.
The text amendment states “The Board of Supervisors has determined that it is in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Kennett Township to provide for apartments in the Business Park District by conditional use.”
Jaros mentioned that the adoption of the text amendment will not automatically permit the apartments to be built. The processes left include the filing and processing of the conditional use application, the review of the application by township consultants, a recommendation by the township planning commission, and an evidentiary hearing before the township Board of Supervisors.
The board enacted the amendment for the zoning ordinance with a unanimous vote.
Township Manager Lisa Moore presented a map highlighting all the public, private, developing, and proposed trails in the township.
The seven-month old township Trails and Sidewalks Committee put the map together as one of their first tasks to promote the committee’s mission statement, “To connect the residents of Kennett Township to our natural beauty and to each other through sidewalks and trails that promote health, safety and a sense of community.”
The township Trails and Sidewalks committee worked with Landscape Architect Thomas Comitta finalizing the approximated 25 miles worth of trails and sidewalks on the created map of Kennett Township including the ones yet to be developed.
Residents are encouraged to take a look at the new map and can access it on the township website or in a township office.
Here, here take notice! Kennett Township and the Boro of Kennett Square working in cooperation to connect the two places. Imagine that, putting the ‘Unity’ back in Community. This would never have happened while under the control of the Old Guard. Regional thinking is welcomed.