McCarthy addresses crash, hears residents’ worries

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Following Kennett Police Chief Albert McCarthy’s seizure-induced crash, township residents gathered to hear his side of the story, ask questions

By P.J. D’Annunzio, Staff Writer,

Kennett Police Chief Albert McCarthy.

KENNETT — As a police chief, Albert McCarthy is constantly under the microscope of the public eye.

Knowing this all too well, and as a result of his Oct. 4 collision with another vehicle, McCarthy addressed the Township Board of Supervisors and a room packed full of township residents Monday night, to shed light on the nature of the accident that has garnered attention all across the Delaware Valley.

“In August of 2008 I was building the Kennett Food Bank…while I was building that I severely slammed my head into a steal I-beam,” McCarthy said of the origin of his condition, “I went home, took a couple aspirin, and went to bed. The following night, about 27 hours later, I had some kind of attack in my sleep. I had no idea what was going on there — I was told that they couldn’t wake me up. Two Kennett Square EMTs, two Longwood medics, and one Kennett Square policeman took me to Chester County Hospital where I went through a series of tests: they didn’t find anything.”

“They suggest that I have it followed up,” he continued, “And I did, with another neurosurgeon who put me through another series of tests…they said that there’s a mark on the brain which indicates that something hit me in the head, and that it may be responsible for this [the 2008 attack]. I decided I needed another neurosurgeon and went through another series of tests…I stayed 24 hours in the hospital. I myself wanted to know what was occurring. My neurosurgeon said ‘I’m going to put you on something [medication] because of this head injury,’ and I was cleared for work, here, as a policeman…both doctors cleared me and notified the supervisors that I was cleared for work.”

McCarthy also voluntarily submitted to continue monitoring by a neurosurgeon for three month intervals, and claimed his doctors saw no worsening of his condition. Assuming he was healthy, McCarthy was naturally confused by the episode that caused him to rear end the vehicle in front of him.

“When this occurred I had, what he [the neurosurgeon] thinks is an absent seizure. That means you have a seizure for a second, and you can’t perceive what’s going on around you, and you can’t respond. That’s probably what happened here because I don’t remember passing out and he doesn’t believe that I did.”

McCarthy stated that his neurosurgeon adjusted his medication. His doctor’s opinion is that he “probably” will not suffer another absent seizure. However, McCarthy was obligated to notify the Pennsylvania DMV about his condition.

“I stopped driving as soon as it happened,” McCarthy said, having not been told legally that he was unable to drive.

“While Albert is on administrative duty we have a problem with local police presence,” Supervisors Chair Allan Falcoff said, “We are considering hiring a temporary part time officer to provide some services during this period.”

The first Kennett Township resident to voice concerns over the issue was Danny Spriggs — a former Secret Service agent — seemingly dissatisfied with the feasibility of the township’s one man police force.

“How does one person enforce local ordinances and have the public generally thinking that there’s a law enforcement presence. How does that work?” he asked.

Other residents, such as Diane Duffy, expressed concerns over McCarthy’s most recent medical report:

“The doctors said this ‘probably’ won’t happen again. Does that not concern everyone in this room, including the supervisors?” she asked, “That this probably won’t happen again; that we have an officer who’s responsible for driving a vehicle, to protect people in the community, to carry a gun?”

Falcoff assured Duffy that the only way to find out for sure was to let time take its course, stating that “We just have to play that one by ear. We really don’t know if there’s a right answer for that…I think we’re in the middle of a learning experience here.”

As the supervisors meeting progressed, residents continued the line of questioning, debating — sometimes in heated exchanges with the supervisors — McCarthy’s fitness for duty, while other still rallied to his defense, stating the adjustment in medication and the passage of time will help to adequately ensure his well-being.

Though the recent publicity and community focus on the issue has revolved around McCarthy the police chief, the other aspect of the ensuing drama in the township also envelops McCarthy the man:

“I’ve been exposed to this kind of attention before; I’m a public figure as a police chief,” McCarthy explained, elaborating on the nature of the media frenzy that has encircled around him in weeks past, “But I’m more concerned with the effect it has on the people around me: like my family.”

The township board of supervisors is expected to begin their search for a part time officer to supplement Chief’s administrative efforts in the coming weeks, with McCarthy participating in the hiring process.

Pending further medical notification, McCarthy will remain on administrative duty.

For more information on the history of this issue, see


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  1. Jeff Yetter says:

    It is unfortunate that “Truthsayer” and “Concerned Resident” do not have the integrity to sign their own names to their opinions. “Concerned Resident” even acknowledges his slander by admitting that his allegations would cause him to be sued. Scudder Stevens is a man of principle who does not hide behind fake names, sham audits, or made up allegations. His campaign has proof of every allegation and Chairman Falcoff has yet to offer any evidence that proves otherwise. I have no doubt, he will serve the residents of Kennett Township with honesty and integrity. That is why I agreed to be his campaign manager and why I am voting for Scudder Stevens.

  2. Concerned Resident says:

    As a concerned resident, as i also attended the meeting held Monday night, at no time did Mr. McCarthy state that he would be carrying a weapon. As a matter of fact, another gentlemen in the back of the room whom is a resident and use to work for the FBI agreed that as an officer that information should not be disclosed. My follow residents also were concerned with your political group for wanting the Township to put off receiving police services, this needs to be handled ASAP, it is your opinion that one more week does not matter. Mr. Scudder you are no young chicken, I hope your medical health is on point because if you have blood pressure or any other medical issues, I doubt you would want any judgments taken against you. I thought the BOS handled the situation very well along with Mr. McCarthy. Both parties were there and able to answer questions to an extent that Mr. McCarthy was comfortable giving, lets remember the HIPPA law… Actually a round of applause was given to McCarthy and the board, so how disgruntled was the residents Mr. Scudder???? Your campaign has been run on nothing but attacks to anyone and everyone at Kennett Township. How are you going to feel if you are appointed Supervisor, do you think you will be respected by Township officials and or employees? What is going to happen when the residents who voted for you see that you cannot make good on any of your promises. How will you function without your two bodyguards, meaning the gentlemen on either side of you at the meeting? As a regular attendee of Township meetings, this was the SECOND TIME I EVER SEEN YOU AT A PUBLIC TOWNSHIP MEETING. How concerned are you really??? I think what Kennett Township residents and yourself should be concerned about is WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT THE FRIENDS HOME? WHY WERE YOU KICKED OFF THE BOARD AND NO ONE IS ABLE TO TALK ABOUT IT???? Some advice to you Mr. Stevens, it would sound much better coming from you than coming from someone else. The truth will come out and the PUBLIC WILL NOT BE HAPPY ONCE WE HEAR THE WHOLE STORY OF YOUR ACTIONS MR. STEVENS. Why haven’t issue regarding Mr. Steven haven’t got out yet, and why is this response written anonymously, because the wonderful Mr. Stevens is a lawyer and threatens to sue. p.s. I hope Mr. Stevens you are reading on your front porch with a nice cup of coffee enjoying the views that KENNETT TOWNSHIP TAX PAYERS HAVE SPENT OVER 2 MILLIONS DOLLARS THAT SURROUND YOUR PROPERTY! And why don’t you know where the open space money has been spent?????? KENNETT TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS, IS THIS WHO WE WANT IN OFFICE??? PRETTY SCARY IF YOU ASK ME!!!

    • “Concerned resident” is confused and wrong in his/her accusations. If he would read my often stated position on the “police situation”, s/he would know that I have not attacked Chief McCarthy; I have raised questions about the wisdom of a one person police department. Clearly, we would not be in such a position today if there were more than one person. And we’d be able to obtain traffic enforcement if there were enough officers to do that. At a substantially increased expense. But we have one officer. And the level of protection in the Township has not improved from when we used the State Police and the Borough police.

      The record is also clear that I was not kicked off the BD of Friends Home. I left on my own time and on my own terms. My letter of resignation is clear on this and people may contact the acting executive director or the Clerk of the BD for confirmation.

      I acknowledge that I am blessed that the Land Trust was able to preserve State Line Woods, which abuts a small portion of my property. It is a blessing to the whole Township. That is the task that the Land Trust was charged to complete. It has tried to do the same in other areas of the Township, as well, but has been hampered by the most restrictive preservation guidelines of any municipality I’ve been able to check. The restrictions are tantamount to a sub-development standard. Having to fork out that sort of money, why would a land owner choose preservation over development? The Board of Supervisors have effectively ham-strung the preservation process, and disrupted the clearly stated mandate of the community to foster preservation.

      Yes, I have no doubt that the remaining two Supervisors will make it difficult for me to perform my duties, once I’m elected. Nevertheless, I will carry out those duties and open our local government to the scrutiny of the residents. Business will no longer be done by 3 to 0 votes worked out behind closed doors.

      Scudder G. Stevens

  3. Mary Martin says:

    It is unfortunate that Mr. Stevens has taken the path as many politicians do and has turned the Kennett Township Supervisors’ election into a mudslinging event. If the way he conducted himself at Monday night’s meeting is indicative of his conduct as a Kennett Township Supervisor, then he does not deserve my vote.

    • Actually, I have not taken part in any mud slinging in this campaign. My efforts have been to the facts at issue, and not to the person running. The reality is that my opponent has not answered my factual charges but hides behind his “record”, a record he is not willing to subject to public scrutiny and debate.
      I have charged that the Supervisors have taken illegal financial kick-backs for medical expenses. This is not denied. I have charged that they have allowed their employees to use Township accounts to avoid sales tax, which was chastised by state officials in writing. This has not been denied. I have charged that they have done their utmost to deny me, and by extension, the residents of the Township, access to the financial information that the State has determined to be public, at great expense. Now they have taken an appeal to Common Pleas of the decision by the State directing my requested documents be produced, again, at great and growing expense to the Township residents. I have charged that the taxes paid by residents to the Township are the highest in the area, by the State records generated by Township filings. The Supervisors do not deny this, but ask you to ignore the earned income tax residents pay, and the Township uses to fund its activities. I have charged that with the cash flow surplus that the Township enjoys every year, the real estate taxes could be reduced or eliminated. They do not answer this. I have stated that the paid accountant audit for ’09 and ’10 are grossly defective and appear to be a sham and fraud. Mr. Falcoff stated at the Board of Supervisors meeting for October, which you apparently were in attendance, that he “doesn’t know what the State requires for a township audit”; that he “doesn’t know whether the accountant’s credentials were checked”; and he “doesn’t know why both audits were accepted since neither was signed”. This is not mud slinging; this is a statement of facts that, if wrong, could easily be confronted. The silence by the Supervisors to do this is deafening! On such a record I would not be proud to run.
      Scudder G. Stevens

  4. It is unfortunate that the Board of Supervisors, in the face of strongly stated opposition, has decided to make its decision regarding the “police issue” at the next work session, Wed, Oct 26th, at 1 pm, a time when most residents cannot attend. The following Wed, upon due notice, in the evening, would be possible had the Supervisors desired meaningful community input. At this point one more week doesn’t matter.
    Equally disturbing is the fact that the Chief will be carrying his police weapon on Township business even though, for the next 6 months, he is considered unfit and is not permitted to drive. Is there a difference between being able to operate a car and being able to operate a weapon, particularly when one is subject to seizure and blackout?
    It is clear that business is “as usual” in Kennett Township, sadly. That is why I am asking for your vote on November 8th, to bring about meaningful change and transparency in Kennett Township.
    Scudder G. Stevens

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