Cozzone to announce bid for Lt. Gov

Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone will formally announce Tuesday that she plans to run for Lt. Governor in 2018. She plans a formal announcement on the steps of the Historic Courthouse in West Chester at 2 p.m.

Nobody asked me, but…

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times To be clear, the small number of misguided souls who call themselves Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and the like should have no serious place in our public discourse (I’ll make the same argument for anyone, left, right, middle or otherwise who would use violence or intimidation to further their political aims). And aside from the small group of vocal, angry folks...

Hartman announces new run for the 16th in 2018

Christina Hartman LANCASTER — After surprising much of the local political world with both her ability to raise funds and attract voter support in a heavily Republican Congressional district in 2016, Christina Hartman announced Tuesday she would again seek the Democratic nomination for the seat in 2018. Hartman lost a competitive race against current freshman U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker in the 16th...

King announces bid for 16th Congressional seat

Jess King LANCASTER — Jess King, the current Executive Director of ASSETS – a business training and lending nonprofit in Lancaster – is taking a leave of absence to run for US Congress in PA’s 16th district. She will begin her leave on September 1st. King argues that she has been fighting for working families and communities for her entire 20-year career in Lancaster & Pittsburgh....

The crossroads of hate and politics

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In this very special edition of Politics As Unusual — a few days early to allow for copious time sitting by the pool and ingesting adult beverages — we’re going to take a look at how politics drives behavior (and the other way around), bad endorsements, chaos, dirty money and more! First, if you’ve been on the Web, watched TV or been exposed to virtually...

George announces run for 16th Congressional seat

Dr. John George Dr. John George, a Lancaster County Democrat and an advocate for public education, announced his candidacy Wednesday for Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District. George is currently the executive director of the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. He previously served as the superintendent of the Warwick School District and the executive director of the Berks County Intermediate...

Comey firing raises the stakes for 2018 elections

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Just when the healthcare mess seemed ready to drown our local Congressvictims in a Jonestown Flood like deluge, President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James B. Comey, Tuesday, swooped in and saved them by changing the subject. And by saving them, I mean sparing them from a looming electoral firing squad by hitting them with a flaming asteroid. While Pennsylvania’s...

The final straw

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Maybe it was when the U.S. House Representatives voted Thursday to blow up the increasingly popular Affordable Health Act and replace it with a non-vetted, closely-held replacement supported by less than 20 percent of voters (the cheering and beer party at the White House didn’t help, either). Or maybe it was when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents...