Trump, Musk aren’t reforming government, they’re looting it

By Mike McGann, Editor The Times
Maybe you saw the headlines: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided a number of Chester County agricultural facilities recently and appears to have taken some workers into custody, setting up the potential for local chaos and spoiled crops in the coming weeks.
Random, nonsensical firings have occurred across the federal government...
Pay attention: we’re in uncharted territory

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
It is becoming clear what a bizarre time we find ourselves living in: an unelected billionaire rooting through much of our private data for no particular reason, ICE (and fake ICE) agents roaming the Chester County looking for undocumented aliens and just a general state of chaos and Constitution-busting.
In a few short weeks, the United...
Op/Ed: When democracy dies

By Lisa Longo, Special to The Times
Lisa Longo
Democracy fails when the few are permitted to hijack the concerns of the many. When elections become referendums on personalities and political parties are used as weapons against advocates and activists.
When any party becomes a tactical weapon for special interest it loses all ability to speak for, or to, the people.
We are at a pivotal point. We...
Commissioners announce government reopening plan as Chester County moves to Yellow

WEST CHESTER — Twelve weeks after moving to essential services-only, Chester County Government and Courts are preparing to open the doors once again of county facilities on Market Street and Westtown Road, as well as the Magisterial District Courts throughout the county. But, officials note, the doors will be open with caution and with some restrictions, to ensure the safety of staff and the...
Op/Ed: Trump budget cuts will be devastating to Chester County

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner
Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone
It’s déjà vu all over again. The numbers and the analyses are out and President Trump’s FY 2020 budget contains brutal cuts even more drastic than his 2018 budget. This budget targets key federal programs that are vital to Pennsylvania counties which provide necessary human services, emergency services...
Op/Ed: How mandates raise your local school taxes

By Lisa Longo, President, Phoenixville Area School District Board of Education
Lisa Longo
Do you wonder sometimes why property taxes increase? I did and I decided to start attending school board meetings to understand. That was seven years ago. Now, as a member of our school board, I can share what I have learned.
I discovered a large part of a school district budget is mandated. Congressional...
Chris Ross talks Harrisburg and good government

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times
Former state representative Chris Ross (R-158) recently was so kind as to spend an hour and a half talking with me about his 20 years representing a district that stretches from eastern and southern West Goshen west through the Bradfords and then south as far as London Britain and the Delaware border.
I had interviewed him before back in the fall of 2012....
Op/Ed: Government to blame for EpiPen price hikes?

By Joe Pitts, Member, U.S House of Representatives, (R-16)
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts (R-16)
As the summer sun rises high in the sky, many of us are finishing out the season by enjoying the last remnants of our vegetables and flower blooms. Bees are ever present, seeking out nectar from their favorite flowers, and along with that comes inevitable bee stings. For some, a single sting can cause their...
Schuck named to county assessment/tax post

Jonathan Schuck
WEST CHESTER —Jonathan Schuck of Malvern has been appointed the new director of Chester County’s Real Estate Assessment and Tax Claim department by the Chester County Commissioners.
Schuck, an assistant director of the department, has been serving as interim director following the retirement of Jeff Laudenslager earlier this year.
He has been working in the department since...