What to do: Kennett Symphony at Longwood Gardens

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Longwood Gardens
Longwood Gardens (Route 1, Kennett Square, www.longwoodgardens.org) is one of the best outdoor attractions in the area, one of the best family attractions in the state and one of the best gardens attractions in the country.
There are times when even the very best can get better.
On June 23, in addition to all of its other attractions,...
What To Do: Kennett Brewing Co celebrates 7 years

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Enjoying a drink in an outdoor setting is always a well-liked activity. This weekend, there are several events around the area that feature that kind of scenario.
From June 24-26, the Kennett Brewing Company (http://kennettbrewingcompany.com) will present its Seventh Annual Anniversary Party.
While in previous years, the event was a one-day affair,...
What To Do: Philadelphia Concours d’Elegance celebrates the Corvette

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
A classic Corvette
There is one American sports car that stands out above all the rest – the Chevrolet Corvette. The ’Vette has been on a plateau all its own ever since it was introduced in 1953.
The Philadelphia Concours d’Elegance also is on a plateau all its own. The Philadelphia Concours d’Elegance is the premier concours event...
What To Do: Fun for Fathers’ Day

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
If there is a hot air balloon, a blimp, a helicopter or a giant condor in the sky above you, it’s almost a certainty that you’re going to look up.
If it’s a helicopter, the audio part emphasizes the visual part as it attracts your attention. When there is a chopper flying overhead, it is virtually impossible to resist a skyward gaze.
What To Do: Chester County Balloon Festival soars to new heights

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The Chester County Balloon Festival
Seeing hot air balloons in all shapes and sizes floating in the sky over your head is always a memorable sensation.
If you want to experience this sensation, then you should plan on attending this weekend’s 11th Annual Chester County Balloon Festival (New Garden Flying Field, 1235 Newark Road just off Highway 1, Toughkenamon,...