Surviving that first date

5 tips for jumping back into the dating pool Editor’s Note: Today marks the debut of our new relationship columnist, Nancy Plummer. Plummer, who operates a dating consulting business in Chester County, has been published in various local and national publications. By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times First dates are universally terrifying. When someone pictures an upcoming date, they usually...

My terrible secret: The Bachelor

Yes, it’s bad. But there are important life lessons, here, right? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I have a secret. And, it’s bad.  Really, really bad. I watch “The Bachelor.” I KNOW!  I KNOW!  Stop judging!  It is just SO DARN ENTERTAINING.  But, there are also lessons to be learned, ladies….so, pull up a chair for my assessment of this train-wreck of a show: