Potholes are as inevitable as death and taxes

If you damage your car in one, your options are limited By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times If you’re one of the many folks who’ve hit pot holes and seen damage to your car in recent weeks, I feel your pain — literally. Both my wife and I have suffered pot hole damage this year — although mine was much more serious and is climbing past $3,000 in costs without being fully resolved. While driving...

A better life is the best revenge after a breakup

Getting even isn’t as satisfying as figuring out what you want from life and making it happen By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times After divorce, separation, or an especially nasty breakup we’ve all had those moments where we start taking the lyrics to Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats” a little too seriously. But will keying their car, burning their clothes, or smashing the...

On Target with Lilly Pulitzer

Collaboration between store, designer sure to be a winner By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I have written in the past about my obsession with Target/designer collaborations. But this one, my friends, promises to be HUGE. Lilly Pulitzer for Target will debut on April 19th (which happens to be my son’s birthday..do you think he’ll wake up at 4:00am to wait in line with me?) and is...

On Your Table: Artisan cheeses from The Farm at Doe Run

Chester County cheese makers craft wide range of tasty products By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Cheese artisans Matt Hettlinger (left) and Samuel Kennedy (right) at work in The Farm at Doe Run’s Creamery (courtesy of Stacey Gentile). Cheese is a living thing.  The cheese artisans at The Farm at Doe Run near Unionville understand this and coax the best flavors from the milk...

Is yoga a cure for Type A personalities?

Our over-driven columnist gives it a shot, finds peace and a few sore muscles By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Spring is all about rebirth and renewal~the snow is melting, birds are singing, flowers are pushing up from the ground. It’s the perfect time to reflect on life. My birthday happens to fall on the last day of March and, I don’t know about you, but, as I blow out the candles...

Celebrating past, present and future

Appreciate that we are the sum of our experiences, but keep looking ahead By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times Our son celebrates his first birthday this week and his mom and I decided to put together a small time capsule to commemorate some of the notable events that have occurred in his first year.  It’s been a great year, and it brings us a tremendous amount of joy to watch him develop...

Super Six: It’s spring!

A time for new colors and to say goodbye to cold and snow By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Although the upcoming forecast is calling for temperatures back down into the 40’s, I am officially declaring SPRING! Pack away the corduroy pants, wool sweaters and UGGS (which guarantees at least one more round of snow, right?). Perhaps, if we collectively take a stand against Mother Nature,...

Update your smile without busting the budget

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Spring is coming and many of us will spend some time updating our wardrobe, cleaning out some accumulated winter clutter and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first crocus flower.  It’s also a great time to make sure your smile is it all it can be.   This month I want to talk about the little things we can do to make our smile look...

On Your Table: Warm up the last of winter with these tasty dishes

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Slow cooker white chicken chili. Ok folks.  I’m officially done with winter after this lovely week of ice and snow.  With daylight savings time taking effect this past weekend, it just doesn’t seem right to now receive the gift of snow along with ice and “wintry mix” this week. But there is a bright side.  Now, while we are trapped...

Turnback Sunday: Confessions of a fashion addict

After four years, the fashion essential principles are the same Editor’s Note: Four years ago, Kelly Hockenberry debuted her column in what was then only The Unionville Times. As we’ve grown, Kelly has become a popular columnist around Chester County. As a salute to her timeless wisdom, we celebrate her fourth anniversary as a columnist by re-running her first-ever column. Congratulations...